sábado, 29 de octubre de 2011

Venezuelan Family

This is a note about Venezuelan Family, and how live them...

The base of the family in Venezuela is marriage as existing religious and civil. Although the civil marriage is legal effects, the Venezuelan family, its members generally aspire equally religious marriage contract because the majority religion in this country is Catholic. Parents guide and make you feel at home authority, whose behavior represents a model for their children.

Institution of the Family are derived a series of legal concepts of family law themselves, such as that the Constitution protects marriage and sets it as "monogamous", between a man or a woman and not same-sex . Definitely one of the great achievements and innovations is in recognition of "Cohabitation", where a man and a woman live together as a couple without a marriage certificate.
 With this activity, we were known how is the family in Venezuela... Was interesting make this activity and learn a little more about my country...
See you on Andreland.

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